
Starting from Odin Automation 7.0, it is prohibited to have arbitrary web sites provisioned to the branding web cluster. Doing so casuses SSL handshake work incorrectly when such a website is accessed (for the website visitor it looks like the website has an invalid SSL certificate and can't be trusted). This problem affects Online Store's proxy stores configured manually or with the help of the Cloud Store On-boarding Application.

If such a website contains only a proxy store created by Billing (in UI or via API), it is possible to convert them into "brands" using the scripts attached to this article, which solves the problem.


migrate-1.py - This script locates the storesData.txt file (which can be overridden using "--file" parameter). Within the file it expects to find lines matching the pattern: Store_ID Domain_Name [Store Suffix], store suffix is not required. The script then reads the file line by line and Converts websites with store proxies into brands with enabled online store, and prints info about the operation and its status.

Migration Instructions

In order to convert into brands all the Online Stores created through the http://download.automation.odin.com/pa/6.0/doc/portal/6.0/ba/80204.htm or http://download.automation.odin.com/pa/6.0/doc/portal/6.0/ba/80209.htm procedure, follow the steps below:

  1. Build the list of online stores that are configured using "Install Proxy Store" procedure, and put this list into a file in the following format:

    Store_ID Domain_Name [Store Suffix]

    Note: Store Suffix is not mandatary parameter. In case there is no store suffix, left it empty, i.e.:

    Store_ID Domain_Name
  2. Put this file to OA Management Node.
  3. Run the migrate.py script specifying file with list of online stores as parameter, e.g.:

    # migrate-1.py --file ProxyStores.txt

Check the output of the script to verify the result of the migration. Please note that it may take several seconds to process each Cloud Store.

Warning! The script creates a new .htaccess file for each processed Online Store, so any customizations in that file will be lost.

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