
On all hosts that added to OACI as Virtualization nodes, two SNMPD plugins declared in file /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf.

Alongside with paciagent, there is Rmond extension:

dlmod   paciagent       /usr/local/share/paciagent/
dlmod  RmondMIB        /usr/lib64/rmond/

What is the purpose of these plugins and how they should be configured?

Answer extends functionality of SNMPD in OACI allowing it to gather statistics from each hosted virtual environment, deliver and apply autoscale rules. It is critical part of OACI and it should be enabled in mentioned config file. is used by Virtuozzo for internal statistics reporting and it is core component of high availability. OACI handles high availability by its own mechanism and does not need rmond plugin for SNMPD. So it could be safely turned off by commenting corresponding line in configuration file:

# grep dlmod /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf

dlmod   paciagent       /usr/local/share/paciagent/
#dlmod  RmondMIB        /usr/lib64/rmond/

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