
Task of the type Set SPS info for user or Attach all users to SharePoint site fails with the error:

Destination host 'HOST001.providerdomain.tld' (#303), IP '' : Provisioning request failed. Unknown error 0x81020054 [<response><errorContext description="The user does not exist or is not unique." code="0x81020054" executeSeqNo="3"><errorSource namespace="Error Provider" procedure="SetError"/><errorSource namespace="Error Provider Ex" procedure="RethrowError"/></errorContext></response>]


Incorrect User Account Directory Path in the SharePoint content database:

select Id, UserAccountDirectoryPath from Sites where HostHeader = '';

B1F9F520-03B7-44E8-9C56-12A722F8CAB6    ou=Company Name,ou=Company2,OU=Hosting,DC=Provider,DC=tld

Here OU=Company Name is different from the company name in OA.


Correct UserAccountDirectoryPath in the Sharepoint database manually and resubmit the task.

Internal content