This article contains customizations which must be used during the deployment of the Office 365 16.8 and Azure CSP 3.1-3.2 Applications. These customizations must be applied to your Odin Automation billing Online Store to configure the subdomain form.


  • Before applying the customizations, make sure that the version of the Application used on your installation belongs to the version stated in the KB article. To view the version of the Application, log in to your control panel and go to Services > Applications.
  • These customizations require Odin Automation 7.0.
  • The list of customizations for all versions of the Office 365 and Azure CSP Applications is provided in the KB article


Perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Products > Online Store and select your Online Store for editing.

  2. Add translations to the English dictionary of your Online Store:

    1. Save the dictionary file locale-bmstore.en to a directory on your workstation.
    2. Go to Products > Online Store and select the More tab.
    3. Click Languages. The list of languages available appears on the screen.
    4. Select the English language by clicking on the respective link in the Language ID or in the Language Name column.
    5. Click the Import Dictionary button and select the dictionary file.
    6. Select the Overwrite Translations checkbox.
    7. Click the Save button.
  3. Add custom styles to your Online Store:

    1. Go to Products > Online Store and select the Design tab.
    2. Click the Edit button.
    3. Insert the content of the file o365.css into the Customized CSS textarea.
    4. Click the Save button.

Note: If you use customizations for both Applications you have to apply all steps.

Office 365 16.8 Customization

Perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the Layout Template o365_resourcegate:

    1. Go to Products > Online Store and select the Layout Templates tab.
    2. Make sure the resourcegate Layout Template is in the list of Layout Templates. If it is not in the list, add it by clicking the Add Standard Layout button.
    3. In the list of Layout Templates, click on the resourcegate Layout Template.
    4. Click the Edit button and replace the content of the Template textarea with the content of the o365_resourcegate.tpl file.
    5. Click the Save button.
  2. Create the custom Layout Template o365_provision:

    1. Save the Office 365 Application package to a directory on your workstation.
    2. Unpack the Office 365 Application package and extract the content of the file.
    3. Go to Products > Online Store and select the Layout Templates tab.
    4. Click the Add New Layout Template button.
    5. Specify the following:
      • Layout ID - The o365_provision value must be specified.
      • Template - Use the content of the o365_provision.tpl file from the extracted file.
    6. Click the Save button.
    7. Go to Products > Online Store and click the Synchronize Now button.

Azure CSP 3.1-3.2 Customizations

Prepare the Layout Template provision:

  1. Go to Products > Online Store and select the Layout Templates tab.
  2. Make sure the provision Layout Template is in the list of Layout Templates. If it is not in the list, add it by clicking the Add Standard Layout button.
  3. In the list of Layout Templates, click on the provision Layout Template.
  4. In ORIGINAL_CODE.txt replace the "CUSTOMIZATION_CODE" sections with the content provided below. ORIGINAL_CODE is an example. The provision Layout Template might be different on your installation.
  5. Click the Edit button and replace the content of the Template textarea with the content of the ORIGINAL_CODE file.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Go to Products > Online Store and click the Synchronize Now button.

Additional Information

To learn more about the subdomain form, see the following sections:


This article also contains the localization files for eight languages supported in Odin Automation billing, besides English language which supported by default. These localization files can be applied for Subdomain Form. To do it, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the appropriate localizaton file(s):

  2. Open Products > Online Store, select the More tab and click Languages. The list of languages available appears on the screen.
  3. Select a language by clicking on the respective link in the Language ID or in the Language Name column.
  4. Click the Import Dictionary button and select the downloaded localization file.
  5. Select Overwrite Translations checkbox and click Save.
  6. Go to Products > Online Store and click Synchronize Now.

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