Release Notes

Fixed Issues

APS-36364 APS 1.2 application and instances pages open slowly with >7000 instances

Included from previous versions

APS-35562 Performance issues CloudPBX - slow sub-services list rendering

APS-32504 Method Plesk::APS::validateNewResourceSettings fails due to slow SQL query

APS-31329 APS sends empty APS-Identity-ID header

APS-29634 APS2 propagation fails because RDBMS can't retrieve large number of dns record resources - connection reset by peer error

APS-29257 verification script is not called for multi-step-login

APS-27868 CEP report missed params. VPS licensing affected

POA-94554 Deadlocks on pem.modifyUser plus via aps_registry_object

APS-21329 Can't add domain to aps2 account, if default registrar status is 'Ready' APS-21107 Removing Subscription fails with "Instance of application service with id does not exist"

POA-86790 Service users with Office 365 cannot be removed due to AD observer.

APS-20401 Counters aren't updated properly in PA


Hotfix can be downloaded here.


Use pa_updates_installer ( to install this hotfix. Also this hotfix will be installed automatically during upgrade to OA 5.5.9 via pa_updates_installer. To install hotfix manually obtain its installation package from the link above and follow instructions found in file UPDATE.txt of distributive.

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