
  1. Webmail shows default PA page for recently created domains.

  2. Several ppa_webmail packages were installed in Plesk Automation at the same time or Several Service nodes were registered with role Webmail server.


According to Deployment Guide:

"There can be only one webmail server node in the system."

Once new webmail node was registered, PA starts to use new node as default webmail server. Issue occurs in case of DNS record webmail.domain.tld still points to old Webmail node.


  1. Check actual (the node that must be used for webmail provisioning) Webmail node under Infrastructure > Service Nodes and get it's id (click on the image below to get an example)

  2. Login to PA Management node and get Service node Id from psa database:

    [root@pa115mn ~]# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"select id,ipAddress from ServiceNodes where externalId=3"
    | id | ipAddress   |
    |  2 | |
  3. Check psa.Webmail table:

    [root@pa115mn ~]# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"select id,product_id,name,serviceNodeId from Webmails"
    | id | product_id | name      | serviceNodeId |
    |  1 | horde      | Horde     |             6 |
    |  2 | roundcube  | roundcube |             6 |
  4. Create backup of PA databases and update psa.Webmails table:

    [root@pa115mn ~]# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"update Webmails set serviceNodeId=2"
  5. Copy all configs from Service Node to Webmail. In example we should copy configuration files from Service Node #6 to Service Node #2:

    [root@pa115mn ~]# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"select id,ipAddress from ServiceNodes where externalId=3 or id=6"
    | id | ipAddress   |
    |  2 | |
    |  6 | |
    [root@pa115mn ~]# scp -r root@* root@

    Note: - source, - destination.

  6. Reload Apache web server on the Webmail node:

    [root@pa115webmail ~]# /etc/init.d/httpd reload
    Reloading httpd:

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