
When opening 'Upgrade server' wizard for a VPS NG subscription in CCP, filling in the required parameters and clicking 'Upgrade', the error message pops up:

This value is out of range


The minimum default value for RAM upsell sliders is defined as 1024, while the server RAM limit is lower. The issue is recognized as CCU-12497 (Can't upgrade VPSNG subscription with "This value is out of range" error message).


Find ve.edit.js file with the most recent modification time, e.g.:

[root@mn ~]# locate ui/js/ve.edit.js | xargs ls -alh
-rw-r--r-- 1 pemuser pemgroup 14K Mar 26  2015 /usr/local/pem/APS/packages/6640978c-96e1-4c0b-be1f-1bad3370933f/ui/js/ve.edit.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 pemuser pemgroup 15K Jul 30  2015 /usr/local/pem/APS/packages/aca7629b-d604-4e1b-ab79-1b66638ae8a1/ui/js/ve.edit.js

In the above output the latter file should be used.

Open the file for editing and find the snippet below:

if (!ci.upsellPossible() && !ci.downsellPossible()) {
        dijit.getEnclosingWidget(widget.domNode.parentNode).set("visible", false);

change it to:

if (!ci.upsellPossible() && !ci.downsellPossible()) {

Clear web browser cache.

Once the change is done, all future upgrades should not face the problem described above.

Note: in case Cloud Infrastructure APS package gets updated, which happens during OA updates/hotfixes installation, the steps should be repeated for the new package.

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