
New certificates were provided by Vodafone GIG team to a customer instead of expired ones:

  • - Vodafone GIG ESP Entry point server certificate
  • - Client Certificate for Vodafone GIG

How to install them?


The update procedure is as follows:

  1. Import provided certificates via Certificates snap-in (Computer account) to Personal store
  2. Assign Read permissions to the user IIS AppPool\gatewaySiteName for the certificate that will be used as client certificate via Manage Private Keys menu item
  3. Set the following parameters in settings.config file:

    <add key="MOSI_Client_Cert_SubjectName" value="new client certificate for MOSI" />
    <add key="GIG_Server_Cert_SubjectName" value="new server certificate for GIG" />
    <add key="GIG_Client_Cert_SubjectName" value="new client certificate for GIG" />
  4. Restart IIS

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