
The website hosted on a Linux NG Apache web server shows the following error:

Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.  

The webspace has the following limit in effect:

[root@ngweb1 ~]# redis-cli -s /var/lib/redis/redis.sock get '' | redis-decode-obj --type=vh_info_t | grep nproc_lim


The webspace hits the 'LVE entry process limit'. The situation may occur in case the limit of the subscription is set to a small value or to an unlimited value, which puts the default limit of 20 processes by default.

More information on the error can be found in official Cloudlinux documentation:
Entry Processes Limit


Increase the following subscription limit:

LVE number of entry processes    20

In case it is set to unlimited value, set it to a specific limit, large enough to serve the requests without issues.

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