
There is failed or stuck in provisioning sales order for domain transfer or registration. Domain is stuck in status "Registered not Notified".

In the domain subscription service status history there is an error similar to below:

Service Creation Failed: Cannot notify Name Servers on successful registration

In scheduler.log (on in 5.x version PEMGATE.log) failed attempt to add domain is seen:

[14-04-19 13:59:38.645 XMLRPC      RQ1379762 TRC] REQUEST: pem.addDomain : { 'domain_name' => 'domain.tld', 'force' => 1, 'registrar_status' => 2, 'subscription_id' => 1039383, }
[14-04-19 13:59:38.739 XMLRPC      RQ1379762 TRC] RESULT: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<methodResponse><params><param><value><struct><member><name>error_code</name><value><i4>2006</i4></value></member><member><name>error_message</name><value><string>Subscription #1039383 does not exist.</string></value></member><member><name>extype_id</name><value><i4>200</i4></value></member><member><name>module_id</name><value><string>ResourceManagement</string></value></member><member><name>properties</name><value><struct><member><name>sub_id</name><value><string>1039383</string></value></member></struct></value></member><member><name>status</name><value><i4>-1</i4></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodResponse>


There are two known reasons for such behaviour:

  1. Someone has manually changed domain status from "Prepared" to "Checking Transfer Status"/"Checking Registration Status" before submitting order for provisioning. As result provisioning skipped phase of DNS hosting subscription creation in OA (this is done when domain goes through Prepared -> Submitting for NS Creation -> Registering Domain in External System statuses).

    This can be verified by checking the history of the domain statuses, the query below can be used:

    SELECT "DomainID", "FullDomainName", "Status", "UserArc", "DateArc"::ABSTIME FROM "ADomain" WHERE "subscriptionID" = SUBSCRIPTION_ID UNION ALL SELECT "DomainID", "FullDomainName", "Status", "UserArc", "DateArc"::ABSTIME FROM "ADomainArc" WHERE "subscriptionID" = SUBSCRIPTION_ID ORDER BY "DateArc"
  2. The system started to add a domain before adding subscription because domain conflict resolver (completing operation manually) was attempted to be used to early - before subscription creation on OA side. This issue is considered to be a bug, #PBA-57676 ("Domain conflict resolver breaks subscription provisioning in case subscription is not created in POA").


Add subscription manually with OA API pem.activateSubscription.

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