
UserStatusChange_API does not change the user status in OA.


By design the method is supposed to change the status in both BA and OA. This is designed the way described below:

  1. On calling the method an event User Enabled/User Disabled is posted
  2. Both these events have the PEMGATE handler which calls method EnableAccountMemberToPEM assigned.

So, most probably either the handler has been deleted/modified or method fails (e.g. due to some issues on OA side).


Check the handler:

System > Settings > Events> Event Type User Enabled / User Disabled (depends on the operation type) > Event Handlers

there should be handler with the parameters

Method  EnableAccountMemberToPEM
Signature   integer UsersID
Protocol    Stellart
Max attempts    1
Repeat interval (seconds)   1

If any of the settings are different, change them. If the handler is absent - recreate it. If everything is correct, check failed tasks.

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