
Order fails with the error:

The last error - "Service Creation Failed: Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #35, module_id #SaaS, APS resource for '/aps/2/application/subscriptions' with id '1002875' was NOT registered. Error code: 500.. Service Creation Failed: Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #35, module_id #SaaS, APS resource for '/aps/2/application/subscriptions' with id '1002875' was NOT registered. Error code: 500.".

in poa.log one might see that the following DB query fails:

DBG [task:2752964:42007 RequestProcessor-10686 pau 858910977]: Executing non-locking query: ' SELECT aps.app_id AS app_id, aps.app_ver AS app_ver  FROM aps_package ap JOIN aps_packages aps ON aps.uuid = ap.uid WHERE ap.uid =  ?'. Parameters: [1dfb2a49-4b96-4d8f-80d4-a284e9b0793f] [sqlpid: -1]
DBG [task:2752964:42007 RequestProcessor-10686 pau 858910977]: Failure in DBService
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: could not extract ResultSet


Error happens because of failed import of one or several aps 1.2 packages (skins). There were empty uuid in corresponding records of aps_packages table.

This behavior has been reported as the software issue: #APS-21946: "APS2 is not functional if there are empty uuids in aps_packages table (MS SQL 2014)" and fixed in OA version 6.0 update 5.


The issue is fixed in 6.0.5 update of the Odin Automation platform. Please, consider upgrading your installation to OA 6.0 update 5 or newer version.

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