
APS 2.0 resources propagation (such as Service Template synchronization, Subscription synchronization, creating new Subscription etc.) fails with following error:

    Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #1, module_id #Common, Internal error: Failed to get APS resource id. aps node is not found...
    Error Code: 0xb619b247.

Similar message appears in /var/log/poa.log:

SaaS::JsonUtils::getResourceNodeByName] {module_id="Common"; code="1"} Internal error: Failed to get APS resource id. aps node is not found.


There are duplicated domain records, that mistakenly considered as parents of each other, and APS application is looking for parent domain APS resource, when creates an APS resource of a domain.

Such behavior is confirmed as software-related issue #APS-29381. Same failure could also occur when order is provisioning for an account which have such duplicated domains.


Please contact Odin Technical Support regarding the case.

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