
Attempt to install msiis-7.0.0 OA package on Windows 2008 host fails with the following error:

Installation of package msiis (id=17887) to host (id=28) was failed. Reason: Destination host '' (#28), IP '' : Internal error: Error on depends checking - ""Windows": " .0-ip�|�msiis-7.0.0.; " - not found. Registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ftpsvc" does not exist


While installing any PPM package OA checks whether requirements for this package are met on the host, if requirements are not met PPM package is not installed and corresponding error is shown under Operations > Tasks > Events or in poa.log on the target host.

In this case the package installation fails on checking whether Microsoft FTP service is installed on the host, POA checks it by searching an entry for ftpsvc service in registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services hive.

The issue may be caused by the fact that Microsoft FTP 6.0 is installed on the host, but OA is trying to find Microsoft FTP 7.5. Entries in registry for Microsoft FTP 6.0 and Microsoft FTP 7.5 are different as well as name of services, MSFTPSVC for FTP 6.0 and ftpsvc for FTP 7.5.


In order to install 'msiis' package successfully it is needed to install Microsoft FTP 7.5 on host in question. The artcile from Technet library describes the procedure.

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