
While adding the node with WPE role to OA the task 'Prepare node 'WPESRV' to PA agent installation' fails with the following output:

Last execution output:
Failed to execute command '/usr/local/pem/roles//WPE/setup_iis_features.ps1'. Check logs in 'c:\POA_Deploy' at host '' for more details about the reasons of failure.

The following is found in the C:\POA_Deploy\setup_iis_features.log log file on target node.

Path to Windows distribution ''
Add-WindowsFeature : You do not have adequate user rights to make changes to the target computer. If you are already a
member of the Administrators group on the target computer, the changes might have failed because of security
restrictions imposed by User Account Control. Try running Install-WindowsFeature in a Windows PowerShell session that
has been opened with elevated rights (Run as administrator).
At C:\POA_Deploy\setup_iis_features.ps1:76 char:1
+ Add-WindowsFeature $RequiredFeatures -Confirm:$false -IncludeAllSubFeature -logP ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Provider_UserIsNotAdmininistrator,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWindowsFea
Path to Windows distribution ''
Add-WindowsFeature : You do not have adequate user rights to make changes to the target computer. If you are already a
member of the Administrators group on the target computer, the changes might have failed because of security
restrictions imposed by User Account Control. Try running Install-WindowsFeature in a Windows PowerShell session that
has been opened with elevated rights (Run as administrator).


Such error can occurs if the local Administrator account and the Domain Administrator account do not share the same password and UAC is on.


Disable UAC on target host using Technet article.

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