
When trying to remove domain from SpamExperts you get:

An unforeseen error occurred
An internal error has occurred

In /var/log/poa.log on OA management node you see errors like this:

Mar  5 01:28:08 linmn01 : DBG [UI:fdfe217c:731461:1425536887758 RequestProcessor-671289 pau 1482128350]: Entering getDNSRecord, record_id: 176215
Mar  5 01:28:08 linmn01 : DBG [UI:fdfe217c:731461:1425536887758 RequestProcessor-671289 pau 1482128350]: Rethrowing ready-to-use exceptionPlesk.ErrorHandling.dns.NoSuchDnsRecord: IDL:Plesk/ExSystem:1.0         at ~[dns-ejb.jar:na]      at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor189.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]       at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_55]         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_55]

The following query returns not empty result:

SELECT * FROM aps_service_instance_resources  asir
WHERE asir.resource_type = 'dns.record.substituted'
AND requirement_id LIKE 'MX%'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dns_resource_records drr WHERE drr.rr_id = asir.resource_id::int)
AND asir.service_instance_id IN (SELECT service_instance_id FROM aps_service_instances asi WHERE asi.service_id = 'context' AND asi.app_instance_id = APP_INSTANCE_ID);

Note: in query above <APP_INSTANCE_ID> should be replaced with application instance ID of Spam Experts application from the affected subscription.


Issue is caused by software issue with ID #POA-89848 'Unable to remove domain from SpamExperts if substituted MX record was deleted beforehand'.


Please contact Odin Technical support to apply the workaround.

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