
The task Complete removal of organization fails with the following error:

Task ID 27883240
Queue name      DomainService00070165
Task name       Complete removal of organization (ds_id=70165)
Task description        Complete removal of organization (ds_id=70165)
Subscription ID 1041497
Queue status    Failed
Start not earlier than  Feb-28-2014 08:50
Method name     completeDSRemovalHandler on OBJREF:Exchange:0:getMBXService:737
Last execution output   ds_id 70165: domain service not found.

What could led to such situation?


Cause can be different in each case. Please refer to Resolution section for details. Bug POA-99637


Check the following information:

  1. check status of subscription in BA
  2. check whether the subscription was stopped/put on credit hold recently (Service Status History of the subscriptions should contain correspondent records in such case)
  3. check events related to this subscription in BA CP > Configuration Director > Event Manager > Event Log
  4. check the table l_domain_services in POA: it contains info about deleted domain services, the date of removal and the user who performed the action. Example:

    plesk=> select  * from l_domain_services where ds_id = 70165;
    ds_id | owner_id | domain_id | service_id |               name                |         creation_date         |         deletion_date         | deleted_by | is_locked | hd_id
    70165 |  1016757 |     29290 |        737 | | 2009-06-11 09:53:56.413101+01 | 2014-01-27 12:36:55.913696+00 |    1018658 |         0 |

ds_id can be obtained from the task output.

  1. check poa.debug.log (for OA 5.5 and below), poa.log (for OA 6.0 and above) for the mentioned time frame to find out further details.

  2. If the subscription mentioned in the task was removed from OA, and its status in BA is Terminated/Removed, then it is necessary to clean up remained orphaned records in OA database to process the tasks. Please contact Odin technical support to get assistance with it.

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