
How can provider get data from the usage site of WAP portal directly?


There are several ways to retrieve this information:

  1. You may first check it from WAP server in browser like it is described in

  2. The following curl request can be used to get data from the usage site:

    # curl -i -k -u'<username>:<password>' -X GET

To get data from the usage site, you need to have a user name and password. The required login and password are entered during the deployment of WAP module in OA in Services > Cloud Infrastructure > Windows Azure Pack > Settings. To get the username currently used for usage site you may use the following powershell cmdlets:

Import-Module -Name MgmtSvcConfig

Get-MgmtSvcSetting -Namespace UsageService -Name Username

You will get something like:

Name                             SettingType      Value                              Description
----                             -----------      -----                              -----------
Username                         Username         UsageClient                        Username used to connect to the...

To get the password, please use the following cmdlet:

Get-MgmtSvcSetting -Namespace UsageService -Name Password

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