
When trying to install Cloud Infrastructure" module at via OA CP > Infrastructure > Modules, it fails with the following task :

Task ID              2030012
Task name            Install cp-paci (pkg_id = 5131) to management node
Task description     Install cp-paci (pkg_id = 5131) to management node
Parent task ID       2030010
Queue name           mn_install
Method name          processOperation
Execution status     Failed
Start not earlier than  Feb-14-2014 10:35
Finished                Feb-14-2014 10:35
Operation dependency tree has conflicts:
package 5131 cp-any-any-any-paci-
1. ERR_DEP_NOT_FOUND can't resolve dependency: other-PrivilegesPACI-
dependency type: system (0)
dependency level: 1
interfaces (0):
attributes (0):
End of conflict tree


The issue occurs due to missing dependency - PrivilegesPACI package of type other is missing on OA MN.


In order to resolve the issue, please do the following:

  1. go to Infrastructure > Hardware Nodes, find the Management Node in the list (it usually has ID=1), click on it, then switch to Packages > PPM

  2. Install the missing dependency package and make sure it is successfully installed by checking the Task Manager.

  3. Rerun the failed task.

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