
Tasks related to VPS Hardware Node fails with authentication errors. Examples of tasks failures:

Task ID     11957214
Task name   Report raw traffic usage by dedicated VPSs on vzwin06
Task description        Task gathers and reports raw traffic usage of dedicated VPSs hosted on Virtuozzo hardware node vzwin06(id = 682)
Parent task ID  46
Queue status    Failed
Start not earlier than  Jun-24-2014 10:21
Method name     taskReportSingleHNTrafficUsage on SCREF:VPSTasks:0
Last execution output   404 : System errors : Authentication error: invalid credentials

Task ID                 1478501
Task name               Update containers eid on HW node:vzlin001
Task description        Task that updates all containers eid on hardware vzlin001
Queue status            Failed
Start not earlier than  September 04, 2014 23:59
Method name             taskUpdateEids on SCREF:VPSTasks:0
Last execution output   404 : System errors : Authentication error: invalid credentials


Administrator/root password for hardware node in OA is incorrect (or expired).


There are two possible situations for this case:

  • You have updated the root password on the VZ node and would like to update corresponding password on the OA side. In this case perform the following steps:

    1. Set the root/administrator password to the old one.
    2. Go to PCP > Services > Cloud Infrastructure > VPS Hardware Nodes
    3. Mark the problem node's checkbox
    4. Click the Change Administrator Password button
    5. Enter the new desired password and click Submit button
    6. Re-run the task
  • You do not know the old password that was set on the server before and communication with this server from OA side with old password is not working. Contact Odin Technical Support to resolve the situation in this case.

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