
/tmp folder on the POA management node is filled up with files like this:

0 Dec 16 12:13 ff5896c6-ecf8-4af1-81e5-d12f93bd6a03.20141216T121311.238295
0 Dec 16 12:21 ff5896c6-ecf8-4af1-81e5-d12f93bd6a03.20141216T122113.991363
0 Dec 16 12:27 ff5896c6-ecf8-4af1-81e5-d12f93bd6a03.20141216T122739.180987
0 Dec 16 12:36 ff5896c6-ecf8-4af1-81e5-d12f93bd6a03.20141216T123622.211486


These files are generated by APS service controller if APS development mode is enabled in:

System > Settings > System properties

APS controller creates a file in the /tmp on each rest request: when it is a GET request, the file is empty, when it is a POST request - file contains POST parameters.

When APS development mode is disabled APS service controller creates file in /tmp for POST requests only.

APS service controller does not clean up these temporary files when APS development mode is disabled and does not have periodic clean up for these files.

There is an existing request to implement such cleanups or to prevent APS service controllers from creating such files in /tmp.

The request ID is APS-18125


Please contact your account manager to get the actual status of the request.

To prevent mass generation of zero-sized files - disabled APS development mode if it is not being used.

The following cron task can be submitted to workaround the issue:

  1. Issue the following command on the Management node:

    root@core# crontab -e
  2. Fill the following parameters:

    0 0 * * *  find /tmp  -regextype posix-egrep  -regex '/tmp/[a-z0-9A-Z\.-]{59}' -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} \;

In this example cron task will be executed daily at 00:00. You may adjust this parameter according to your needs. Files modified later than 3 days ago will be removed in the case.

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