
Subscription removal fails wtih error:

    Error message or request description : Cannot delete 1 customer account(s). Reason: Foreign key
    'domain_hosting_bindings_fk2' violation while executing ' DELETE FROM
    subscriptions WHERE sub_id = ? AND sub_id != 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM
    st_resources st JOIN subs_resources sr ON (st.src_rt_instance_id =
    sr.rt_instance_id) WHERE sr.sub_id = ? )'


This is software issue PPA-2313: a database transaction was not finished because of a deadlock that leads to a database inconsistency.


The issue was fixed in Plesk Automation update 10. Install latest updates in order to fix the issue PPA-2313 permanently. In order to remove failed subscription please submit a request to the Odin Technical Support as this action requires manual database intervention.

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