
Subscription Service Status History has record:

Service Stopping: Automatical Synchronization: Stop Service Overusage of resource #xxxxxx

However resource xxxxxx is Controlled by External system, which means that PBA-E does not control resource usage.

In addition, resource usage is shown as 0 in subscription resources.

Why PBA-E stopped subscription?


The resource was controlled by Billing at the moment of issue, but switched to external by Provider's staff member after subscription has been stopped. After changing resource control type to External, resource usage is not shown in PBA-E subscription.

This change can only be found in PBA-E database.

In addition, there was resource overusage at the moment of issue, that is why subscription was stopped by PBA-E during Daily Billing Process.

Customer caused resource overusage by himself by placing resource downgrade order, while actual resource usage was 100%, as reported by POA.


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