
The task Actualize list of public folders for organization with id = 123 fails with the following output for Exchange 2013 subscription:

Task ID 
Task name   
Actualize list of public folders for organization with id = 123
Task description    
Actualize list of public folders for organization with id = 123
Subscription ID 
Queue status    
Start not earlier than  
Jul-17-2013 17:59
Method name 
loadPublicFoldersHandler on OBJREF:Exchange:0:getPublicFolderManager:502
Last execution output   
Provisioning request failed. Source path 'executeData/result' does not match any node. XPath location: /request[1]/procedure[1]/execute[1]/after[2]
Type: Parallels.Wpe.Utils.WpeXmlException.


Task failure occurs when the subscription does not have any public folders. Such behavior has been confirmed as a software-related issue POA-79551.


This issue is going to be fixed in future product updates in scope of POA-79551. Please contact your Account Manager to trace the status of the issue. For now it is safe to cancel the failed task.

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