
Order for subscription with additional resources provisioning is stuck in Provisioning status, after some time fails by timeout. Resource items are in Parent Order Item still in progress status, even though the subscription itself has been already successfully provisioned.

In the log there is an exception for the OnServiceUpgrade method:

ExceptionResult: Subscription is in SS_NEW status yet.

The same exception can be found in the task manager for the Upgrade Completed events for the hang order items.

A feature FEA_SetResourcesInOneCall is enabled in PBA.


The situation is caused by the bug with id #PBA-58056 (#PBA-57819).


For a workaround increase the number of attempts for the event handler OnServiceUpgrade (event Upgrade Completed):

PBA Home > System > Settings > Events > Upgrade Completed > Event Handlers > OnServiceUpgrade

Max Attempts = 5
Repeat Interval = 60

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