
Notifications sent on invoice generation (basically invoices) do not have any indications for the period, so it is absolutely unclear for what period the customer was billed. How to add this information to the invoices sent to the customers?


It is possible to add this information to the invoice notification template. By default the details are generated from the subtempalte ARDoc Details Home> System> Settings> Notifications> Notification Templates> Notification Template for Subtemplate ARDoc Details, but any customizations are possible.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Find a notification template used for Invoices: Home> System> Settings> Notifications> Common Notification Settings> Invoice Notification Template
  2. Check how the details are generated, by default is is done with a subtemplate ARDoc Details
  3. Add the proper placeholder to this template. If ARDoc Details is used, add the additional columns and rows to the table TableDocDet. The placeholders to be used are:

    • @@Detail_SDate@ - start date of the detail (e.g. 18-Jul-2014)
    • @@Detail_EDate@ - end date (e.g. 18-Aug-2014)
    • @@Detail_Duration@ - duration (e.g. 1)
    • @@Detail_DurationPeriodDescr@ - duration description (e.g. month)

    All of them are to be used within the ##DetailList#...##/DetailList# tags.

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