
The guide mentions different API methods that can be used for the subscription creation - SubscriptionAdd_API, DomainSubscrAdd_API, AddPEMSubscription_API, SubscriptionWithIDAdd_API, DomainSubscrWithIDAdd_API, AddPEMSubscriptionWithID_API. Which one shall be chosen?


The method to use depends on the type of the subscription that you are going to create.

Subscription type Method to choose Additional actions required
Domain registration subscription DomainSubscrAdd_API
  • DomainExtDataAdd_API - to add the domain parameters
  • pem.addSubscription - to create a DNS subscription in POA (with the subscription ID returned by DomainSubscrAdd_API)
  • pem.addDomain - to assign DNS hosting to POA default DNS subscription
  • POA hosting subscription AddPEMSubscription_API
  • pem.activateSubscription - to create a hosting subscription in POA (with the subscription ID returned by AddPEMSubscription_API

    If the DomainName was passed:

  • you may add it as a subscription parameter with SubscrParamValueUpdate_API
  • you may add a domain to POA with pem.addDomainToAccount (domain is not binded to the service) or with pem.addDomain (This method creates a domain and adds all the available in Subscription hostings to the Domain created.)
  • DummyGate subscription SubscriptionAdd_API None

    If the subscription ID is important (e.g. due to some kind of integration) use DomainSubscrWithIDAdd_API, AddPEMSubscriptionWithID_API, SubscriptionWithIDAdd_API accordingly.

    Difference between AddPEMSubscription_API and SubscriptionAdd_API:

    AddPEMSubscription_API SubscriptionAdd_API
    Subscription name set automatically according to the service plan name (+domain name if passed) passed in API as one of the parameters
    DomainName DomainName is passed in API as one of the parameters. Domain is aded to "PEMDomain" table DomainName is not passed

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