In case of some issues in communication between BA application server and BA database server on Linux, one can try to investigate the issue by enabling the postgresql-ODBC driver logging.

The following steps have to be performed on the BA application server:

Edit file /etc/odbc.ini and add to both sections [PostgresPBAMux] and [PostgresPBA] settings:

Debug = 1
CommLog = 1

Adjust FS permissions the following way:

# chown root:pba /usr/local/bm/conf
# chmod g+w /usr/local/bm/conf

No services restart required. Log files will start to appear in /usr/local/bm/conf folder (unfortunately it is not possible to change path by configuration settings).

Files will be named after process ID, e.g.: /usr/local/bm/conf/4576.log

Please note: these debug logs may take up a lot of disk space.

It's better to configure log rotation or remove them manually regularly while issue is not reproduced. Once issue is reproduced, collect these logs and disable further logging by:

  • removing lines from /etc/odbc.ini
  • setting back permissions:

        # chown root:root /usr/local/bm/conf
        # chmod g-w /usr/local/bm/conf

    Note: ODBC driver is not used in BA since 6.0.

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