
How do I increase logging level for apsc.http.log and saas.http.log to access additional information regarding APS operations?


  1. Set the log level for POA to trace:

    Edit /usr/local/pem/etc/pleskd.props, add line loglevel=trace.

  2. Restart POA service:

    # service pem restart

After that, apsc.http.log and saas.http.log will display the additional info, such as:

  • Inbound and outbound HTTP query bodies in apsc.http.log.
  • APS 1.x environment variables are logged on each change.
  • apsc.http.log will contain HTTP request ID (like rest:144) which can then be searched for in poa.log and will give full log of what happened in this particular HTTP request. This only works in POA 6.0.

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