
How to hide Change Expiration Date button in reseller's CP?


  1. On PBA-E application server, go to directory PBA_FOLDER/conf/wnd/BM/

  2. Create a new directory [reseller_id].customization. For example: PBA_FOLDER/conf/wnd/BM/1001056.customization for reseller 1001056

  3. Enter the directory and create a file with name Subscription_GetWin.xml and following content:

    <window defs="BM:AHRC" type="dialog" id="Subscription_GetWin" wid="02.22.53" header="General" ICON="/images/nav/tree/OperationDirector/SupportManager/Subscriptions-32.gif">
    <button id="changeExp" label="Change Expiration Date" visibility="no" />
  4. Restart PBA-E www service:


    /etc/init.d/pba restart www


    ssm stop www
    ssm start www

After www service is restarted, the Change Expiration Date button will be missing in RCP of reseller 1001056.

Note! such customization will be removed during PBA upgrade and has to be reapplied after it.

It is possible to remove the button for all resellers of one vendor (reseller or provider) in similar way, except directory should be named customization_[reseller_id], f.e. customization_1001056. But reseller 1001056 himself will still see the button in such case.

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