
What requirements should be met to make WebFileManager on POA 5.5 working correctly?


In POA 5.5 new package of WebFileManager was presented. This package should be installed manually on "Windows File Manager" host - New File Manager on Windows Shared Hosting

New windows file manager package require the following components to be installed on host where package will be installed - Installing WebFileManager:

  • Windows 2008 operating system.
  • IIS 7 or IIS 7.5
  • PHP 5.3

Please make sure to configure network settings correctly to allow server with WebFileManager to communicate with shared hosts serving webspaces - Guide for network requirements

Once new WebFileManager installed and configured correctly, it will serve both webspaces provisioned on hosts with IIS 6 and IIS 7. Only WebFileManager package itself required to be installed on Windows 2008 with IIS 7.

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