
Task to Replace OAB Web Distribution settings on OAB service failed by timeout and blocked other exchange tasks:

Task name              Replace OAB Web Distribution settings on OAB service #<ID>
Output                 SOAP Error: Client, End of file or no input: Operation interrupted or timed out after 1800s send or 1800s receive delay:


Sometimes it take quite long time to finish the task on WPE side. So on POA side task failed by timeout, while on WPE it continued execution.


Check on WPE side in wpe.log that task has started. See article #114610 for details.

"SW Managed Exchange::ReplaceWebDistributionSettings" method must enter and exit without exception:

DEBUG   2014-04-25 10:26:49 (3988/2144): Call method "SW Managed Exchange::ReplaceWebDistributionSettings"
INFO    2014-04-25 10:26:49 (3988/2144): Procedure "SW Managed Exchange::ReplaceWebDistributionSettings" - (ENTER)
STOP    2014-04-25 12:34:36 (3988/2144): End Trace: Activity 'f588b797-2513-4a78-8d73-b8b6a5bc7a8c' in method 'Parallels.Wpe.PowerShell.PowerShellScript.Execute' at 468983188449 ticks (elapsed time: 7667.355 seconds)
INFO    2014-04-25 12:34:36 (3988/2144): Procedure "SW Managed Exchange::ReplaceWebDistributionSettings" - (EXIT)   

There method my be called several times so you can fine proper callback by id. In this particular case it was (3988/2144)

If the task finished successfully on WPE side, the corresponding task in POA can be canceled without any harm.

Consider also updating to at least POA 5.5.6, where this logic was reworked.

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