
An Upgrade/Downgrade order is failing with an error:

module_id #ResourceManagement, Cannot unprovide resource XXX

But the limit of the resource should be set by the Upgrade/Downgrade order greater than the current usage of the resource in POA.


The resource is included in the subscription several times, for example as part of a composite resource.

One of the resources with a non-zero limit (Included or Additional) has an Upper limit(Top>Operation Director>Support Manager>Subscriptions>[subscription]>Resources>[resource] in Parallels Business Automation - Enterprise (PBA--E) 5.4 or Top>Operations>Subscriptions>[subscription]>Resources>[resource] in PBA-E 5.5) set to a value lower then the resource's current amount (Included or Additional), for example 0.

In this case, the Upper Limit is added to the total amount of the resource that is passed to Parallels Operations Automation (POA) during the upgrade, and this amount can be lower than the current limit in POA.

The issue may appear in two cases:

  1. The Upper Limit for the resources was incorrectly modified in the subscription
  2. The subscription was switched from one service plan to another, which has an upper limit for the resource lower than the limit of the resource in the subscription. In this case, the upper limit will be correctly passed to POA to set up the limit, but PBA-E will still show the previous limit of the subscription. This issue has been reported to the Development Team in request #PBA-34687.


Case 1:

Go Top>Operation Director>Support Manager>Subscriptions>[subscription]>Resources>[resource] in PBA-E 5.4 or Top>Operations>Subscriptions>[subscription]>Resources>[resource] in PBA-E 5.5, click Edit and correct Upper Limit.

Case 2:

When placing a Downgrade order in the Customer Control Panel, select the resource which has the incorrect limit in PBA-E. When the Downgrade order is complete, POA and PBA-E will have the same limit for the resource.

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