
Provider is trying to generate Revenue Recognition or Deferred Revenue Report in PBA-E Home> Finance> Reports

The generation takes more than 5 minutes and fails with the following error:

Service Unavailable
The corresponding service is not available at the moment, trying it withing 2-3 minutes.
For more information please contact your service provider.


The issue happens on PBA-E installation with large quantity of information collected for many years of operations. The quantity of report details can be more that 500000. In current implementation Revenue report generation algorithm does not apply necessary conditions to the information selected from the database, therefore the operation may take long time. The error displayed in the Control Panel caused by apache timeout while report generation.

The issue for Revenue Recognition report has been assigned an internal ID PBA-55809 .


The issue is fixed in PBA-E 5.5.5, please upgrade to the latest version of PBA-E. Also there is hotfix for PBA-E 5.5.4.

If upgrade is not possible are 2 possible ways to generate report.

  1. Login to PBA-E panel directly (not through POA branding CP), usually it is You will be able to see the resulting report not depending how long it takes to generate it.
  2. Apache timeout on POA Branding host can be increased (for the case when PBA-E is integrated with POA):

Edit /usr/local/pem/etc/apache/httpd.conf_pem. Increase


to desired value. For example if operation takes 10 minutes, you need to set:


Reload the config:

/etc/init.d/pemhttpd reload

NOTE! Timeout value in main config can be overriden in another configuration file listed in the INCLUDE directive of the main one. Check Website Hosting: Apache service article for details.

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