
Order is stuck in No Payment Method Attached (Sales, Renewal, Upgrade) or in New (Billing) status. When clicking buttons Create Invoice or Create or Assign Payment the following error appears:

Error: Table Payment Methods Processing Option doesn't contain row with id Int32(NULL)

Daily Billing on the account fails with the same error message:

[14-05-19 04:01:01.940 Worker2.45  TH10163 ERR] Daily Billing Process on Account #ID failed with exception: Table Payment Methods Processing Option doesn't contain row with id Int32(NULL).


Payment method that was marked as default for the account, was deleted from Home>Configuration Director>E-Commerce Settings>Payment Methods Processing , but payment method is still marked as default for client in PBA database. The issue was reported to PBA developers in the internal request PBA-51063 and will be fixed in future versions of PBA.


Selelct another payment method as default in Home > Operation Director > Account Manager > Customers > [AccountID] > Payment Methods.

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