
Payment via ASSIST fails with the error:

Can't get transaction details: invalid response received. Please check the payment status using ASSIST Control Panel.

The following info is shown in ASSIST.log:

[14-05-07 17:56:04.287 Worker1.7   RQ26550 TRC]   +++[2] Str AssistAPI::doRequest(const Str&, const Str&)()
[14-05-07 17:56:04.287 Worker1.7   RQ26550 NTE] request = POST:  Merchant_ID=772265&Login= [login]&Password=***&Ordernumber=6_139947091248405&Format=3
[14-05-07 17:56:04.442 Worker1.7   RQ26550 TRC]   ---[2] Str AssistAPI::doRequest(const Str&, const Str&)


Thers is space at the beginning of the login of ASSIST processing center configuration.


Please go System > Settings > Payment Gateway > Payments Processing > ASSIST Processing Center, click Edit and remove space from the login.

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