
Bad command sequence error appears in AMAIL.log:

[14-03-07 11:17:21.094 Worker1.3   RQ00229 TRC] +++[0] Str<unnamed>::sendPlainMail(MailMessage&, Str&, STLRT::Log::Entry&)()
[14-03-07 11:17:21.094 Worker1.3   RQ00229 TRC] sendPlainMail for
[14-03-07 11:17:21.094 AMAIL2      RQ00229 TRC] AMAIL2: start mail sending
[14-03-07 11:17:21.109 AMAIL2      RQ00229 WRN] AMAIL2 FAILED (2):mailsmtp_data failed with code error 12:'Bad command sequence'


Some notification templates have empty "To address" specified


Check pending messages in PBA-E > Home > System > Logs > Outgoing E-Mail Log, choose "Scheduled" from "Status" drop down

If some of these messages have empty "To address" check notification template based on which these messages were generated and correct "To address" in the template. Mark existing scheduled messages with empty "To address" and delete them as PBA-E will not be able to send them anyway.

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