
PBA for Linux migration check fails with the following error message:

[root@migration ~]# pba_migrate check
+0s [ DIE ] [main] Insufficient disk space, at least 10GB required, 3169736
 KB available
[Call stack]:
    'Log::blog' at line 132
    'main::do_check_config' at line 447
    'main::main' at line 552

However, there is more than 10GB of free disk space available on migration server.


During migration process pba_migrate needs to create /migration directory on migration server to store temporary files. Thus during pre-check operation pba_migrate checks if / partition has at least 10485760 KBs of free disk space available. If there is not enough space, it reports:

Insufficient disk space, at least 10GB required.


Increase / partition size on migration server up to 10GB at least. Feature request PBA-52726 to choose custom location for temporary files exists.

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