
Task Uninstall FPSE support for virtual web server fails with error there is no website:

Task name           Uninstall FPSE support for virtual web server <WS_ID> on host '<HOSTNAME>' (host_id=<HOSTID>, sub_id=<SUBID>, domain=<DOMAIN>, w_id=<WID>).
Last execution output   There is no website (srvId = 4848).


The issue is likely caused by POA-82799: removing subscription that has a domain with FrontPage extension enabled will cause a failure of task "Uninstall FPSE support for virtual web server".


Obtain subscription ID from the task parameters and make sure it does not exist in POA. In addition login to web server and make sure the site has been removed as well. Task can be just canceled as it relates to non-existent entity.

To avoid such problems, until POA-82799 is fixed, please disable FrontPage support for domain before removing subscription.

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