
By default account type is set to "Personal" on the online store checkout screen:

How to change it to "Business" be chosen by default?


It is possible to achieve by modifying the store layout template.

  1. Make sure the correct store is chosen for editing.
  2. Add the layout template organization.tpl by clicking 'Add Standard Layout Template' button:

    PBA 5.4: Home > Product Director> Online Store Manager > Layout Templates

    PBA 5.5: Home > Products > Online Store > Layout Templates

  3. Modify it to look like this:

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" style="width: 100%;">
      <td class="fieldLabel"><label id="label__AccountMode" class="required" for="AccountMode">{$smarty.session.LANG.CREATE_ACCOUNT_MODE}</label></td>
     <td align="left">
       <label class="AccMode"><input type="radio" name="AccMode" id="AccModePersonal" onClick="SW.Display('organization', false, true); ToggleTaxReg();" value="Personal" />&nbsp;{$smarty.session.LANG.CREATE_ACCOUNT_MODE_PERSONAL}</label>
        <label class="AccMode"><input type="radio" name="AccMode" id="AccModeBusiness" onClick="SW.Display('organization', true, true); ToggleTaxReg();" value="Business"checked />&nbsp;{$smarty.session.LANG.CREATE_ACCOUNT_MODE_BUSINESS}<label>
    <div id="organization">
     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" style="width: 100%;">
    {assign var="companyDisabled" value=false}
        <td class="fieldLabel"><label id="label__CompanyNameID" class="required" for="CompanyNameID">{$smarty.session.LANG.COMPANY}</label></td>
        <td align="left">
          <div class="fieldEntry">
          {widget name="CompanyNameID" title=$smarty.session.LANG.COMPANY
                  id="CompanyNameID" size="25" maxlength="64" disabled=$companyDisabled
          <div class="fieldComment"></div>
     {GetCustomTemplate name="accattr.tpl" assign="file"}
      {include file=$file filter="COMPANY" disabled=$companyDisabled}
      end of organization.tpl
  4. Synchronize the store.
  5. Check the result in the store, test account creation.

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