
Refund for payment made with WorldPay is in the "In progress" status.


Credit card refunds may take up to three weeks. You can check the current status from the WORLDPAY.log (/usr/local/bm/log/WORLDPAY.log). The refund process looks like:

  1. Refund request is sent.

  2. The response is received from WorldPay. In case of successful request acceptance the reply looks like: <reply><ok><voidReceived orderCode="orderCodeNumber"></voidReceived></ok>

  3. Every hour PBA sends the request to get the current status of the refund. "In progress" means WORLDPAY returns <lastEvent>SENT_FOR_REFUND</lastEvent>.

    The refund will be completed when WorldPay returns REFUNDED for the lastEvent.


If required, you may contact WorldPay to clarify why the refund was not yet completed, but as stated in the WorldPay documentation (refer to SENT_FOR_REFUND status), the process may take up to three weeks.

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