
After creating a subscription, "Create the webspace in the Hosting Panel" task failed with the error below:

    Unable to create hosting. Ip address does not exist in client's pool


  1. Default PPA IP address is marked as Dedicated, but it should have Shared type.
  2. Client's IP pool has nonexistent IP address.


  1. Open Plesk backend using direct link:


    1.1. Select Management Node main IP address and change its type to shared.

    1.2. Go to Operations > Tasks and rerun failed tasks.

  2. Make sure that Client IP Pool does not contain orphaned IP addresses:

    [root@manage ~]# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa
    mysql> select pool_id from clients where login='<cuctomer_login>';
    | pool_id |
    |       9 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2.1. Check all IP addresses, that belong to IP Pool with id=9;

    mysql>  select * from ip_pool  where id=9;
    | id | ip_address_id | type      |
    |  9 |             1 | shared    |
    |  9 |             2 | shared    |
    |  9 |             3 | shared    |
    |  9 |            21 | exclusive |

2.2. Make sure that all these IP addresses persist in "IP_Address" table:

    mysql> select id,serviceNodeId,ip_address from IP_Addresses where id in (1,2,3,21);
    | id | serviceNodeId | ip_address    |
    |  1 |             1 |       |
    |  2 |             2 |       |
    |  3 |             3 |       |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The other way to check it is to use the following query:

    mysql> select,ip_pool.ip_address_id, from ip_pool left join IP_Addresses on where is NULL;
    | id | ip_address_id | id   |
    |  9 |            21 | NULL |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> select * from IP_Addresses where id=21;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

2.3. As you can see above, there is no such IP address, so create backup of psa database with "mysqldump" command and delete orphaned IP addresses from the client's IP Pool:

    mysql> delete from ip_pool where ip_address_id=21;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)

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