
Starting from 1 February 2014, existing national payment schemes for processing payments in Euro will be closed down. Later on the electronic payments in Euro will be processed using new SEPA schemes. In order to allow existing Customers to use their bank accounts in Parallels Automation, Providers need to perform a special migration procedure to convert existing DTAUS payment methods into the SEPA format.


  1. Customer runs a Linux-based installation of PBA 5.5.3 and higher.
  2. DTAUS payment plug-in is installed.
  3. SEPA payment plug-in is installed.


During the migration the following steps should be performed:

  1. Export of existing DTAUS payment methods from PBA. Customers' bank accounts details (national bank number and bank account number) will be exported to an external CSV file.
  2. Provider converts payment methods data into SEPA format (by a Provider himself).
  3. Import of updated SEPA payment methods to PBA from the CSV file received at step 2.
  4. Disabling of existing DTAUS payment methods.

To perform the steps 1, 3 and 4 from the list above, a special SEPA migration script is provided. Step 2 should be performed by a Provider himself.

Export file format

Example of export file with DTAUS payment methods data can be seen below:

1;1;1000001;John Smith;123;1231231231231231;0
1;2;1000002;Mike Neal;165;1212333212555212;0


  • VendorID: unique ID of Vendor in PBA, Account owner;
  • PayToolID: unique ID of existing DTAUS payment method in PBA;
  • CustomerID: unique ID of Account in PBA, payment method owner;
  • CustomerName: bank account holder name;
  • BankNumber: bank number;
  • BankAccountNumber: bank account number;
  • IsAuto: auto-payments are enabled (value "1") or disabled ("0").

Import file format

Below there is an example of an import file with SEPA payment methods data:

1000001;John Smith;HD17452986123213;123;0
1000002;Mike Neal;HZ958769034876;124;0


  • CustomerID: unique ID of Account in PBA, the payment method owner;
  • Name: bank account holder name;
  • IBAN: international bank account number;
  • BIC: bank account identifier;
  • IsAuto: auto-payments are enabled (value "1") or disabled ("0").


To install the SEPA migration script to your environment do the following:

  1. Connect to your PBA Application server.
  2. Download attached SEPA migration script to any temporary directory.
  3. Copy the script to ~/pba/tools/ directory.
  4. Add permissions to run the script: {clb}chmod u+x ./{cle}
  5. Run the script with no arguments; the usage examples will be displayed: {clb}./{cle}

Note: It might be necessary to install additional perl modules, required by this script. Installation procedure depends on software configuration on PBA installation.

  • To export existing DTAUS payment methods data from PBA run the command: {clb}./ export export_file.csv{cle}

The export_file.csv above is the name of result export file.

  • To import new SEPA payment methods to PBA run the following command: {clb}./ import import_file.csv{cle}

The import_file.csv above is the name of source import file.

  • To disable all existing DTAUS bank accounts in PBA run the command:{clb}./ disable_dtaus{cle}

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