
Is it possible to brand application?


The best way is to create properties in main provider service (replaces global settings used in APS1), allow provider fill it and read their values from custom UI. The service that needs to read these values needs to have a relation to provider instance.

Create a property in provider service, for example:

"properties": {
    "branded_name": {
      "type": "string",
      "title": "Branded application name",
      "description": "Branded application name, this will replace default naming"
  • If you need to customize tab name or view name:

use variables in APP-META.xml to get value of this property from provider's instance

<!-- in curly braces you can get the value using dotted notation: variable_name.property_name -->
<navigation id="ccp" label="{globals.branded_name}">
    <!-- type-id should point to the type that main provider service implements
        if there are several instances of it only the one that has 'Application service 
        reference' resource type included in subscription will be discovered -->
    <var name="globals" type-id=""/>
        <!-- identifies where the navigation should be plugged into -->
    <plugs-to id=""/>

More in documentation

  • if you need to customize the contents of the view:

Get property value using aps/ResourceStore, save it to variable and use it everywhere you might need it

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