
  1. The following error message is displayed when Provider's staff member navigates to Operations > Customers, chooses customer and click on Sales Person:

    Table Sales Person does not contain row with ID X, 1.

    or clicks on Sales Branch:

    Table Sales Branch does not contain row with ID Y, 1.
  2. When user generates Sales and Commissions report grouped by Sales Persons there is no list of Sales Persons in the report.


Sales Person or Branch was deleted while it was used in some customer accounts.


The problem is going to be resolved in the future versions of the product in scope of the request PBA-39854.

Correct Sales Person/Branch for the customer account in question to resolve the problem:

  1. Go to Operations > Customers and click on the problem account.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Set correct values in the Sales Branch and Sales Person fields (create required sales person or branch if necessary) or leave the fields empty.

  4. Save the changes.

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