
The logparser service does not process Apache logs in some webspaces on a Linux Shared Hosting Standard or NG host. As the result webalizer web statistics is not updating for websites hosted in the problem webspaces.

Being ran manually the logparser tool throws the error message 'File size limit exceeded' like in the example below:

# /usr/local/pem/bin/logparser /usr/local/pem/etc/logparser/config.xml /var/www/vhosts/2/pem/etc/logparser/checkpoints.xml /var/www/vhosts//2/pem/etc/logparser/traffic /var/www/vhosts/2/pem/etc/logparser/updates
File size limit exceeded


Logparser cannot process files more than 2 Gb in size due to the defect POA-46188.


The problem is going to be resolved in the future POA updates.

In the meantime please find and remove Apache log files which exceed size 2Gb. Use the command like this on the Linux Shared Hosting server to find big log files:

  • Linux Shared Hosting NG server:

    # find /var/www/vhosts/?/??????/log/ -size +2G
  • Standard Linux Shared Hosting server:

    # find /usr/local/pem/vhosts/??????/log/ -size +2G

Replace /var/www/vhosts and /usr/local/pem/vhosts in the commands above with the actual path to customers' webspaces on the server.

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