
How to configure Google Adwords in the online store?


Follow the instructions from the documentation:

The full list of GOOGLE_ADWORDS parameters:

Please note that due to bug PBA-52214 using the code from the documentation may cause errors:

Error: Dynamic conversion value in wrong format. 
Error: Incorrect script attribute.
Error: Dynamic conversion value in wrong format in the <noscript> tag. 
Error: Conversion value mismatch between <script> and <noscript> tag. 
Warning: Missing CDATA comments. 

To fix the errors, use the template like below one:


<script type="text/javascript"> 
/* <![CDATA[ */ 
var google_conversion_id ={$CONVERSION_ID}; 
var google_conversion_language = "{$CONVERSION_LANGUAGE}"; 
var google_conversion_format = "{$CONVERSION_FORMAT}"; 
var google_conversion_color = "{$CONVERSION_COLOR}"; 
if({$Totals_OrderTotal}) {literal}{{/literal} 
var google_conversion_value = {$Totals_OrderTotal}; 
var google_conversion_label = "{$CONVERSION_LABEL}"; 
/* ]]> */ 

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>; 

<img height="1" width="1" border="0" src="{$CONVERSION_ID}/?value={$Totals_OrderTotal}&label={$CONVERSION_LABEL}&script=0"> 

end of google.tpl 

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