
OA task to create or modify mail-enabled Exchange contact fails with the error message like this:

Provisioning request failed. Error in 'SW Managed Exchange.ModifyMailEnabledContact'.
Exception calling "Execute" with "3" argument(s): "Property expression "J.R." isn't valid. Valid values are: Strings formed with characters from A to Z (uppercase or lowercase), digits from 0 to 9, !, #, $, %, &, ', *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, } or ~. One or more periods may be embedded in an alias, but each period should be preceded and followed by at least one of the other characters. Unicode characters from U+00A1 to U+00FF are also valid in an alias, but they will be mapped to a best-fit US-ASCII string in the e-mail address, which is generated from such an alias. Property Name: Alias" 


User entered invalid mail contact. In the case above the contact with alias 'J.R.' is being used and Exchange does not allow to use . symbol at the end of the contact alias.


Correct the contact in CCP and resubmit the failed task in the OA Task Manager.

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