
A domain subscription was terminated in Business Automation (BA), the cancellation order was processed successfully, and the corresponding service was removed.

However, the domain is still present in the Operations Automation (OA) Domain Manager.

As a Provider, I want domains belonging to the terminated BA subscription to be automatically removed from OA.


The DNS hosting subscription was actually removed from OA during the subscription termination in BA and the information about the domain was removed from POA-managed nameservers. The DNS hosting type for the domain was switched to 'External', so OA does not manage the domain zone anymore.

The domain information is still kept in OA so that the customer may use it for hosting services (e.g. for the website or mail hosting).

If the domain owner would like to add this domain again, the old information about it will be rewritten.


The possibility of complete removal of a domain from OA during BA domain subscription termination is going to be added in a future product update, as per request PBA-34484.

In the meantime, unnecessary domains can be removed manually in the OA Provider Control Panel at Operations Director > DNS Manager > Domains(OA 5.4), for OA 5.5 and later, the path is Services > Domains

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