
On attempt to purchase a domain plan and select parent subscription for it PBA displays the 'No Parent Subscription' message like on the screenshot below:

Also, the same situation may happen when trying to assign a parent subscription to an existing domain subscription:

  • A customer has a hosting subscription and a domain subscription in their PA account
  • The customer (or Provider on a customer's behalf) is trying to assing the existing hosting subscription as parent one to the domain subscription
  • PBA Control Panel says 'No Parent Subscription' despite of the fact that the customer has hosting subscription


Up-sale categories are configured incorrectly in PBA.

Up-sales list may be configured for each Service Plan individually. To make a Service Plan presented in the parent subscriptions list, it is necessary to include appropriate Sales Category in the up-sales list of the parent subscription Service Plan.

Normally, a hosting subscription is being configured as a parent one for a domain subscription. So, hosting Service Plan of a parent subscription should have up-sales configured and the Sales Category which includes domain Service Plan that a customer is trying to purchase or set as a parent subscription must be included in up-sales configured in the hosting Service Plan.

So, in the case above either the domain Service Plan is not included into a Sales Category configured as up-sale in the hosting Service Plan or the hosting Service Plan has improper Sales Category configured as up-sale (or even does not have any Sales Category configured as up-sale).

For more details of up-sales configuration refer to the PBA documentation - Forming Service Plan Up-sales List.


Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  1. Log into the PBA Provider Control Panel
  2. Go to the Product Director > Plan Manager > Sales Categories
  3. Find the Sales Category which includes the domain Service Plan in question or create the new Sales Category and include the required domain Service Plan into it, remember name/ID of the Sales Category
  4. Go to the hosting Service Plan in question (which should be set as a parent subscription for domain subscription)
  5. Switch to the 'Up-sales' tab
  6. Make sure that the Sales Category from the step 3 is present in the list of up-sales, otherwise - add it

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